THEATRE 1 & ADVANCED DRAMATheatre 1 is a year long course aimed at beginning actors and actresses. There is a focus on developing the actor and learning students' individual strengths and weaknesses in acting. This course includes finding working monologues, discussing the audition process, and scene work. This class is perfect for beginning actors and actresses!
Advanced Drama consists of 3 rigorous courses, Theatre 2, Theatre 3, and Theatre 3 Honors*. Each of which go deeply in depth into the basic acting principles and tools every young actor needs. Along with weekly assignments, Advanced Drama takes field trips to numerous plays around Orange County, as well as competes in several competitions or "festivals" such as Long Beach Theatrefest, Fullerton College Theatre Festival, and many more. Prerequisites: Theatre 1, or admission by audition. *Theatre 3 Honors students receive Honors credits |
PRODUCTIONTheater Production is an after school program that produces several plays and usually one musical each year. In this class, students learn a variety of skills broader than just acting. Crew has become a focal point of Production and each year we have a strong amount of hardworking students who make our shows look, sound, and run the best! Along with crew, Production includes the actual plays and shows that are put on at FVHS for the student body, friends, and families, to watch and enjoy! Keep checking the website for upcoming news on auditions, show dates, and much more!